明崇禎元年(1628 年)戴春林在揚州開創了中華大地上第一家生產香粉、香件的鋪子,並為崇禎皇帝田秀英貴妃定制了第一枚鴨蛋香粉,成為至今為止世上第一塊美容粉餅。
康熙六次南巡 (1684–1708年),及乾隆六次南巡 (1751–1784
年) 期間,地方官員進貢的貢品中必有戴春林香粉、香件,帶入宮中深得后宮妃嬪喜愛。
The History of DaiChunLin
The authentic oriental beauty products since 1628
Established in 1628, Dai Chun Lin was the first fragrance and skin care products maker and retailer in the recorded history of China. The company was credited with producing the world's first fragrant powder cake that was custom made for a favorite concubine of Emperor Chongzhen.
Its range of fragrance and cosmetics, made of herb and mineral extracts based on Chinese medicine formula, are known for their skin rejuvenation properties and luxuriant fragrance. They help maintain radiant skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and are suitable for even allergy prone skin types.
After the opening of its first shop in Yangzhou, the commercial and fashion capital during the Ming and Qing dynasties, Dai Chun Lin soon grew to become known as the purveyor of Imperial Powder for its products were often presented as tribute to the Chinese imperial court and were highly sought after among the country's elites.